Wednesday, January 8, 2020

My Dream Law Is For The State Of California - 978 Words

My dream law is for the State of california department of corrections and rehabilitation (CDCR) to transition from current prison meal structure to a 2 meal a day vegetarian diet. This law and the implementation would be handled by California Department of Public Health (CDPH). This law would utilize principles of program newstart based out of Victor Valley Medium Community Correctional Facility in Adelanto, California, and the transition of a vegetarian diet for all prisoners in Maricopa County, Arizona. However, this law could be seen as unconstitutional based on the first amendment, the state of California being known for having a laid back demeanor as a state and this law is very progressive and calls for major changes to the fundamentals of the prison nutrition system. This dream law would greatly improve the financial impact of feeding an inmate on the state, psychologically on the prisoners and provide a scaling template for other states and the country to use. In the 2008-2009 California’s Annual Costs to Incarcerate an Inmate in Prison, it costs the state $1,475 a year or 4.04 a day to feed an inmate. As of November 30th 2015, there are approximately 125,000 people incarcerated in the CDCR system. The financial cost a year is a staggering approximately 184.375 million to feed these inmates based on the current prison meal plan. In Maricopa County, Arizona, It costs approximately 1.12 a day to feed between 89,000-107,000 inmates a year which comes out to betweenShow MoreRelatedImmigration Laws and Its Impact on Undocumented Immigrant Students744 Words   |  3 Pages â€Å"Immigration laws† and its impact on undocumented college immigrant students The topic that will be introduced and discussed in this research paper is â€Å"Immigration Laws† and how it impacts undocumented college immigrant students living in California (2005-2010). 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